Long Term Planning Requires Annual Reviews

A lot can happen in the course of one year, and it usually does, so be sure to schedule annual reviews into your long term planning efforts. An Annual Review of Your Long Term Planning Will Help You Make Timely Course Corrections From your health to your income to the place you live, the likelihood

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The Power of Compounding

The Power of Compounding Working Against You If you lived through the 1970s, you probably know the visceral fear that accompanies the word “inflation.” During that “Great Inflation” period, the rate of price increases surged to double-digit levels—reaching 14% by 1980. Businesses were destroyed; household budgets were shredded. Only by raising interest rates to a

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To Succeed in Investing, We Must Manage Risk

To Succeed in Investing, We Must Manage Risk Well To live life more fully, we all must accept, and even embrace risk, and to succeed in investing, we must manage risk. The most fulfilling parts of our lives are full of risk, but generally worth pursuing. Our adventures, and even our responsibilities are risky, but

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Family Financial Discussions

Family Financial Discussions – The Beginning is the Most Important Part of the Work Family financial discussions are the beginning of our work with clients because we’ve learned that these discussions reinforce a truth that “every decision people make with money is justified by taking the information they have at the moment and plugging it

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Written Plans Help Clear Up Fuzzy Thinking

Written plans help clear up fuzzy thinking when investors take a punch The boxer Mike Tyson famously said that every fighter has a plan until he gets punched in the face and that’s why written plans help clear up fuzzy thinking when investors take a punch from the markets. Tyson was referring to his opponents

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Measuring What Matters Most

Have you been measuring what matters most to your future financial success, or have you been focusing on the market’s day-to-day gyrations over the past several months? If you’ve been focusing on the market, you’re not alone. Like the crowd at a tennis match, investors have been looking back and forth, one moment at a

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Goals-Based Wealth Management

Goals-Based Wealth Management Tailors Everything To You Following a goals-based wealth management discipline will suit you. Imagine paying a visit to your tailor and ordering a suit.  Your only instructions:  It has to be bigger than your co-worker’s suit. That’s a ludicrous scenario, of course.  Everyone appreciates that a suit tailored for you will be

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Asset Location Strategy

Better Asset Location Strategy Helps Lower Your Tax Exposures Asset location strategy helps punctuate the old adage, “It’s not what you earn, but what you keep.” Part of investing more successfully is structuring your investments to help minimize your overall tax exposures. That’s no easy feat, given exposures to federal and state income taxes, the

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2022 Year End Tax Planning Checklist

Before we head into the holiday season, be sure to look ahead at your 2022 year end tax planning checklist and take advantage of the opportunities available to you. As with any kind of financial planning, knowing that you’re prepared can help create confidence and peace of mind. And that just might make your holidays

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